Change Facebook Ad Account Currency: Your 2024 Cheat Sheet

Want to change Facebook ad account currency? Buckle up, because it's not a simple edit – it's a full-blown account transformation!

Here's the deal: Changing your Facebook ad currency means waving goodbye to your old account. Facebook will permanently close it and set you up with a brand new one using your chosen currency.

What to expect:

  • Account Farewell: Your old ad account, including its entire history, will be gone for good. No reactivating, no going back.

  • Campaign Time-Out: All your currently running ads will stop immediately when you switch currencies.

  • Payment Shuffle: The payment methods you're used to might change depending on the new currency.


Before you hit the switch:

  • Strategic Timing is Everything: Carefully plan your currency change to minimize disruption, ideally during a period of low ad activity.

  • Keep Those Campaigns Running: Want uninterrupted campaigns? Create a separate ad account with your desired currency before making the switch and run your campaigns from there.

  • No Dues, No Delays: Clear any outstanding balances on your current account before changing your currency.

Ready to dive in? Follow these steps:

  1. Head to Payments: In your Ads Manager, find "Billing & Payments" on the left and click "Payment Settings."

  2. Choose Your Account: Select the ad account you're changing from the dropdown menu on the top right.

  3. Edit Business Info: Scroll down and click "Edit" next to "Business Info."

  4. Pick Your New Currency: Under "Currency and Time Zone," click "Currency" and choose your new one from the dropdown.

  5. Confirm and Carry On: Click "Save" and then "Continue" on the warning message (it's just letting you know about the account closure and campaign stoppage).

Potential speedbumps:

  • Admin Required: You'll need admin access to the ad account to change the currency.

  • 60-Day Cooldown: Facebook only allows currency changes once every 60 days.

  • Location, Location, Location: In some countries, your ad account's business country and currency must match.

  • Monthly Invoicing = Fixed Currency: If you're on monthly invoices, the currency is set in stone when you create the account and can't be changed.

  • Brazil & BRL Special Case: Choosing Brazil as your business country or the Brazilian Real (BRL) as your currency has to happen during the initial account setup.

Bottom line: Changing your Facebook ad currency is a big decision. Plan it strategically, understand the consequences, and don't hesitate to call in reinforcements from Facebook support or a digital advertising expert if you need help.